Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Westwind Rail Road August 2011

  When I started this project 8 years and more than $5,000 ago,  the Lord said he would
let me live until it was finished.  I said "Lord I think you made a bad deal." I will never be
finished.  Well work continues.

This is an overall view of the service area and machine shop. Workers have been added
and puffs of smoke out the stacks. The smoke is made of Christmas "snow" blacken with
powered chalk. Trees also added.

The roadhouse was added along with autos and lovers setting on the old car
This area is not complete.

Another view of the machine showing a loco being serviced.

This neighbor hood has been cleaned up and cars, people and trees added. Houses
are still in need of "weathering". Making them look old and dirty. The entire requires
weathering. Rail roads are never "new".

Here is a wide view of the mountain. The mountain was a major project and the last
undertaken. Its creation and placement required a lot of thought. Several years as a
matter of fact.

Union Pacific loco #625 rushes north through the gulch and along the shore of Westwind
lake while fly fishermen work the rapids below the falls.


A view of Westwind lake.